
Delivering unwavering security for our clients, safeguarding them against current and emerging cyber threats, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Solution as a service

Delivering unwavering security for our clients, safeguarding them against current and emerging cyber threats, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Solution as a service

Cost savings, scalability, flexibility, reduced effort solution

Solution as a Service (SolaaS) encompasses a range of features and components that are designed to deliver comprehensive and tailored solutions to businesses. These features and components play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and value of SolaaS offerings such as customizable, wide range integration capabilities, measured security, and support services.

Example SolaaS that we can provide

Breach & Attack Simulation (BAS)

Red Teaming

PAM as a Service

CTI as a Service

Compromise Assessment as a Service

UU PDP Bundled Solution

POJK Bundled Solution

Technology Partners

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